Recent poems

These are my recent poems some are password protected, to view them please contact me at [email protected] for access.

Clutching At Straws

Clutching at straws – as short poem by Chris Hudson. I am a wild-eyed loner at the gates of oblivion, I want to die like Jesus Christ, I want to write my name in the stars, I want to dive into your ocean

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Untitled 1

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Untitled 2

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Untitled 3

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Well, we’ll see that job done
Then get together and have some fun!

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The more time goes on

The more time goes on

The more time goes on
The further away from the truth I seem to go.
I’m living from a distance
And I haven’t got there yet

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The Forest of Sensation

The Forest of Sensation

Where the forest of sensation, body of lithe limberness, instead one procession of newly installed blunders
Shut away all the good things of the earth, instead to gnaw a tail of frustration until it was amputated cruelly.

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I scatter my seeds
A handful at a time
Planting I build a temple
To nature’s glory

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Sensuous marriage of

Sensuous marriage of

Sensuous marriage of
The turning tracks that
Underfoot, undefy the wheel
As all expands everlasting
Joy pervades, and tunnels

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Not Quite

Not Quite

Time sits heavily on the marbled mantlepiece
I’m not sure if you’re real or you’re fake
The life you live is so outlandish

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Loui and The Meat

Loui and The Meat

I invited him to a party
Out of doors, you see
He came along quite promptly
And meat he with him brought

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Le soleil brille

Le soleil brille

Le soleil brille, la mere est calme et plat, c’est un jour claire et brillant Dans le ciel des nuages flottaient comme des cheveaux en courant.
Les bateaux de peche ascende et descende gentillement
Des cries entendus des oiseax, les fleurs qui fleurissent,
Les ballades, insensibles des insectes chantaient
Et moi, humaine, inondee par des pensees.

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In this age it would seem

In this age it would seem

In this age it would seem
Poverty is an illness
The poor with their insanity, stupidity, inanity When all their life has been a cage.

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In the depths of winter

In the depths of winter

In the depths of Winter’s snowy haze
I have seen icicles spangle encrusted faces
Diamond like; and across the sheet-white places a lost trumpet call,

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In a puddle of bedraggled fag ends

In a puddle of bedraggled fag ends

In a puddle of bedraggled fag ends, locked in the loo
Restructured, renovated and riven, mill pond pedestal
Wicker basket poured scorn, Indian techno nonsensical objectives and adjectives
Overuled bypass culture designated refract zone, sniffs Columbus’s ass
Jumped the gun, was working when should have been having fun,

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In 1873

In 1873

In 1873
The German botanist Haeckel
Invented the word ‘Ecology’
A transparent term

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I need you

I need you

I need You
To be cheery when I’m sad
I need you
To be good when I’m bad

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I have seen pleasures great

I have seen pleasures great

I have seen pleasures great
Sorrow more distant than a star
When I cared not what was to be my fate
And listened to dreams told from afar
Stories were told of days so bold

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Human Zoo

Human Zoo

Here resideth love
He sitteth on a golden throne
Around his head angels play

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Guern Power

Guern Power

Let me tell you a story
Of an island floating in the sea
Of surf and sand and sea and sex
You’ll maybe see it on T.V.

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Modern Children

They don’ t have to eat what They don’t want to eat They don’t have to meet whom They don’t want to meet It’s all ‘OKAY’ if they want To stay up late And if you disagree, it’s ’cause You’re a paedophile mate!

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From Travels

From Travels

I don’t understand why you’re always out when I’m in My soul should be fat but it’s thin

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On my travels I met a man of wisdom
Who said, “Now you are healed,”
But my head was too full
Of a thousand stories untold

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Far, over planes we cannot see
Until she meets her destiny.

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Death Dream 2000

Death Dream 2000

Troley was lying in a garish yellow telephone box. He had been lying there all night, and the light touch of dawn had awakened him. He was cold, and hungry.

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It’s a nuclear plant
And it’s sited in France
Not far away, a backwater
They don’t want people to know!

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Charity do

Charity do

See the rich nobs at the charity ‘do’
They only go ‘cos they want to be cool
Paying all that money for a charity affair
Only poor people know how to share

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Beggar on the street

Beggar on the street

Beggar on the street
Will this be his tomb?
of objects which our outer nature rejects
Is the love which begs us to question why?
They moved the goal posts

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Ah, I knew this song so well
It must have been a previous life
In the land of the young

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It wasn’t very far We needn’t go by car Up to the Castle then along to a bar The crowds gathered together Despite the windy weather Like being at sea

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In square circle

She unveils herself to smile down upon me from above, pale white blanched skin;
Your beautiful eye hangs in the night sky
Behind your lover the sun has had his play

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Hitching to Dundee on a Friday, I couldn’t get up
I read for a while then set off from the previous night’s party
Bright sunny day I was grabbed by the idea to travel, to seek freedom
Collected my bicycle, said goodbye to my friend

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All native instincts were rooted out

All native instincts were rooted out

All native instincts were rooted out, mankind in utopia where
There was no anger or hate, yet the state still kept
Banks and banks of plasma guns, just in case, they said,
We should be invaded from outer space.

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Poem four

Poem four

Meeting on the banks of the Nile

You could see people going past on benches

We moved, and rolled the lawn for them,

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I see my true love everywhere

I see my true love everywhere

To be insured against the contingencies of fate
A discourse where half the answers come too late
Their leavened bread was eating you whole
From out of time’s mists the church bells toll

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Shit Eating Green

Shit eating Green you’re going to go far
Ecologist on television you’re a movie star
Dope smoking jungle walking environmentalist
Governments and corporations on your hit-list

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Went down to the water’s edge
Spoke with the sea
About all the things that were on my mind
Of governments and policy

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To navigate the eternal now
Seeking past and future in the present
Star warrior, eagle-like amongst the galaxies

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The Behemoth of the Deeps

The Behemoth of the Deeps

Temples of the briny, star-encrusted cave mouths
Realms of razorwire around the sacred sacrosanct abomination
Hallowed ground where now rosebay-willowherb and poppies

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Lesioned temporal thought lobes
Spasms if time, infinitely long
Infinitely short

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When We First Heard the News

When We First Heard the News

We heard it on the Beeb, it was no freebie
This news so sad, that the mother of our monarch
Was deceased. She went in her sleep, for,
She’d had a good life.

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All hail thee, lovely laughing maid!
On this auspicious day thy match hath made!
The Lord shall Bless, and all shall see
And on this day, shall married be!

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Wordy Beast

Wordy Beast

I tied a dead body to my steed
And dragged it through the dusty town
It was the corpse of American democracy

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You may be all grown-up and free from guilt concerning sex
But I’m not, I’m caught in some God-damn 80s hex
Belonging to a long-forgotten age of superstition

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Second Skin

Second Skin

Before I cast off my second skin
And let the silky darkness in
Turn off the light
And into night
Spill the day’s noise and din.

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Over the Bridge

Over the Bridge

Cross the bridge- Budge!
Criss cross
Pipes, Cables, Girders, Bolts
Whilst up high
Birds wheel in the silky sky
Land treads softly at water’s heel

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Of Charming Monsters

Of Charming Monsters

Who am I?
I am the sun that shines on everyone
Lights you up from tip to toe
Tell you things, perhaps
You’d rather not know

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The rising sun faces
The sickening moon
And the fires in the engines
Go on one by one

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The sky hung in coloured threads
Music wiped away our dread
Our senses are drawn out
Into another world, no doubt

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I Was A Rasta

I Was A Rasta

I was a Rasta, a Taoist, Zen, Christian, Buddhist, Pagan Homeless, poor, yet wealthy and landed My forebears knew Christ, yet the horned god

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Working in gardens
Tangle of weeds menaces at me
Parched soil where weeds are concreted in

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Fragments of life is all we have.
Crazy-Paving-Yellowbrick shithouse
Road to Nowhere Everywhere
Shining crock of golden shit
Fools no-one
Everyone loves it.

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Fall Out!

Fall Out!

Let’s play nuclear fall-out
You can join in all the fun
Let’s play nuclear fall-out
Now it’s time to run

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Evidently, Donkey Town

Evidently, Donkey Town

The bloney traffic’s bloney slow
Everywhere you bloney go
The bloney Social’s bloney tight
The thugs in pubs all love to fight

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Enough Conceit.

Enough Conceit.

Yak yak yatter
Nic nik natter
How I hate the chit and chatter
Aimless as starlings
Pointless as meteorites
Abstract trajectories

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Before the wind kissed my feet
I tied ten blessings in a sheet
Cursed by a crow, carried afar

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Don’t call me on Tuesday my socks are neat

Don’t call me on Tuesday my socks are neat

Ten thousand crushed cataclysmic catacombs
I thought you had wallpaper paste in your hair
It was a drowned apocalypso downed your daisies at dawn anti-cymex egg-smeller!!
It was you megalithic monolithic van der Graff

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Avoiding askance!
Avoiding askance!
How we avoid
The responsibilities set upon us
Sneaking up on our consciences

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Lasciviously horrible
Your prattle gushes from my TV and radio constantly
Your beady little eyes seem to survey all

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We meet in the middle of this, our battle-ground
This war fought through the ages now bears a distant sound

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From Travels


Bless the earth , bless the seas
Bless the woman, brought me to my knees
Bless the skies, bless the stars
Bless the drunks, hang around in bars.

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Behind Bars

Behind Bars

This poem should be behind bars!
It injects drugs and drives around in cars!
It meets loose ladies and hangs around in bars!
This poem should be behind bars.

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Baby Shower Blessing

Baby Shower Blessing

“Congratulations on your baby to be born
May her future be so bright
With flowers adorned.
God protect her and her days be filled with light
Jesus bless her and keep her with his might.”

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The Blessing.

The Blessing.

“Congrats on your baby to be born
May her future be so bright
With flowers adorned.
God protect her and her days be filled with light
Jesus bless her and keep her with his might.”

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Dragon poem

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